Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A realization about my relationship with God...

So yeah this blog is about Mexico but there will be time when I blog about what's going on in my heart or life outside of Mexico and the mission there. While I've been planning and fundraising, God's been doing a lot of work on my heart and is showing me parts of my life that I need to change. I realized this past week that even though I thought I had a good relationship with God, my heart is not right towards God at all.

It all started out with a coffee date that I had planned with a friend last week to catch up on life and chat. Well friday came and due to a series of events I just didn't have the time to sit and have coffee that day. When i saw him the next day I felt awful about cancelling on him and apologized over and over saying that I was sorry and that I promised to make it up sometime.

Thinking back on this situation makes me realize how far away my heart is from where it should be. When I have a busy day and forget to fit in a quiet time do I apologize over and over and make it up? Or do I just go on with my daily life and maybe for a second feel bad about not having a quiet time but then move right on with the next thing on my to-do list? I'm sad to sad that far too often I just take advantage of God's grace and say that He will love me even if I don't have a quiet time that day. If my priorities were right I would drop everything and spend time with my Lord and Savior but I'm human and still put myself first.

So I challenge you to think about this. We have an amazing God who wants to have a relationship with us! John 17:3 says "Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent." All that we need to do is know Him so I ask you this... how much do you really know and love Jesus?

1 comment:

  1. Ouch. Reading this is a slap in the face wake up call for me. Good post opened my eyes to my own life.
